Be the First, Be Different, Be the Winner, Dream Big, Take Risk!
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
TEST FOR GRADE 11th 2012/2013
This dialog is for
question 1.
Boy : Did
you enjoy the trip to Puncak last week?
Girl : Yes,
I did. I’m really satisfied with the trip. I could see the beautiful scenery.
Boy : It was
your first trip to Puncak, right?
Girl : Yes,
you’re right.
1. Why is the girl satisfied with the trip?
This dialog is for
question 2.
Girl : Hey!
You look upset.
Boy : Yeah.
You know, I had dinner in a restaurant, but I’m not happy with the service.
Girl : What
Boy : I had to wait for a very
long time for my order to be served. Meanwhile, there were not so many
customers there.
customers there.
2. Where did the boy go?
This monolog is for
questions 3 to 5.
A thermometer is a device used to measure the temperature of a
living organism, a place or
an object, using two different scales to measure heat. They are Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Celsius can be converted to Fahrenheit and vice versa with the use of a converter or a temperature calculator.
an object, using two different scales to measure heat. They are Celsius and Fahrenheit scales. Celsius can be converted to Fahrenheit and vice versa with the use of a converter or a temperature calculator.
For the Fahrenheit scale, the freezing point is at 32 degrees,
while the Celsius scale has it at 0 degree. Boiling point for Fahrenheit is 212
degrees and for Celsius, 100 degrees.
When you are tasked to read a thermometer, you will need to
look at the silver or the red line inside the tube, and you will be able to
read the Celsius and Fahrenheit readings of the temperature by looking at the
level where the line stops.
from: (March 7,
3. What does a thermometer measure?
4. How many degrees is boiling point for
5. What should we look at, inside the tube when
reading a thermometer?
A. Listening Section
1. A. It
was cold.
B. The bus was comfortable.
C. The scenery was beautiful.
D. It was her first trip to Puncak.
E. The hotel was comfortable.
2. A. To
a bank.
B. To a restaurant.
C. To a supermarket.
D. To a grocery store.
E. To a bookstore.
3. A. Height.
B. Weight.
C. Distance.
D. Air pressure.
E. Temperature.
4. A. 0 degree.
B. 32 degrees.
C. 100 degrees.
D. 212 degrees.
E. 221 degrees.
5. A. The
silver or red line.
B. The liquid.
C. The level.
D. The glass.
E. The point.
This is the end
of the listening section.
B. Reading Section
This table is for
questions 6 and 7.
The Indonesia’s
Population Growth Rate

from: (March 9, 2012)
6. What per cent does the population growth rate
decrease from 2008 to 2009?
A. 0.03 per cent.
B. 0.04 per cent.
C. 0.05 per cent.
D. 0.1 per cent.
E. 0.2 per cent.
7. In what year does the population growth rate
reach its peak?
A. 2006. B. 2007.
C. 2008. D. 2009.
E. 2010.
This text is for
questions 8 and 9.
Wet weather will continue in Indonesia on Friday. Energy from
the disturbance which will interact with ample moisture will produce scattered
showers with periods of moderate and heavy rainfall. Jakarta will experience
rain with amounts near 0.2 inches/5.3 mm during the day, reaching 1.2 inches/29.5
mm by Friday night. In addition to precipitation, slightly cooler temperatures
are expected on Friday and Saturday.
96745.html (March 9, 2012)
96745.html (March 9, 2012)
8. How will weather condition in Jakarta on Friday
A. It will rain.
B. It will be foggy.
C. It will be stormy.
D. It will be sunny.
E. It will be cloudy.
9. “Energy from the disturbance which will
interact with ample moisture . . . .”
What is the opposite meaning
of the word ‘ample’?
A. Excessive.
B. Average.
C. Slightly.
D. Various.
E. Thick.
This text is for
questions 10 to 13.
The atmosphere is a mixture of
nitrogen (78%), oxygen (21%), and other gases (1%) that surrounds Earth. It is
thickest near the surface and thins out with height until it eventually merges
with space.
The atmosphere is an important part of what makes Earth
livable. It blocks some of the Sun’s dangerous rays from reaching Earth. It
traps heat, giving Earth a comfortable temperature. Oxygen within our
atmosphere is essential for life.
The air in our atmosphere has some variable components. These
variable components include water vapor, dust particles and ozone. Although
these are found in small amounts, they can have significant effects on weather
and climate.
The atmosphere is divided into five layers. The first layer is
the troposphere, it is above the surface and contains half of the Earth’s
atmosphere; weather occurs in this layer. The second layer is the
stratosphere. Many jet aircrafts fly in it because it is very stable; also, the ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. The third layer is the mesosphere. Meteors or rock fragments burn up in the mesosphere. The fourth layer is the thermosphere, with auroras and also where the space shuttle orbits. The fifth layer is the exosphere. The atmosphere merges into space in the extremely thin exosphere. This is the upper limit of our atmosphere.
stratosphere. Many jet aircrafts fly in it because it is very stable; also, the ozone layer absorbs harmful rays from the Sun. The third layer is the mesosphere. Meteors or rock fragments burn up in the mesosphere. The fourth layer is the thermosphere, with auroras and also where the space shuttle orbits. The fifth layer is the exosphere. The atmosphere merges into space in the extremely thin exosphere. This is the upper limit of our atmosphere.
overview.html (March 8, 2012)
overview.html (March 8, 2012)
1.html (March 8, 2012)
1.html (March 8, 2012)
10. Why does atmosphere make Earth a comfortable
A. It blocks some of
the Sun’s dangerous rays.
B. It contains many
variable components.
C. It influences
weather and climate.
D. It provides oxygen.
E. It traps heat.
11. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. The layers in
B. The functions of atmosphere.
C. The gases content in atmosphere.
D. The variable components in the atmosphere.
E. The
layer of atmosphere which is the upper limit of atmosphere.
12. In what layer do jet aircrafts fly?
A. The troposphere.
B. The stratosphere.
C. The mesosphere.
D. The thermosphere.
E. The exosphere.
13. “This is the upper limit of our atmosphere.”
(Paragraph 4)
What is the similar meaning of the word ‘limit’?
A. Part.
B. Layer.
C. Boundary.
D. Horizon.
E. View.
14. Tonny : Have you opened the box already?
Dyah : Yes, I have. The box is empty. I found
________ in it.
A. nothing
B. everything
C. something
D. anyone
E. someone
15. Della : I am not the first child
in my family.
Kenny : ________ am I.
A. Too
B. So
C. Also
D. Either
E. Neither
This text is for
questions 16 to 20.
Vegetarianism is the voluntary
abstinence from eating meat. It is the practice of a diet that excludes all
animal flesh, including poultry, fish or crustacea.
Vegetarians refrain from eating meat for various reasons,
including religious, health and ethical ones. Vegetarians who eat eggs and
dairy products are categorized as lacto-ovo vegetarians. Strict vegans do not
consume any kind of animal derived product.
Vegetarianism is recommended as a dietary therapy for a
variety of conditions, including heart disease, high cholesterol, type-2
diabetes and stroke. Vegetarianism is a major dietary therapy in
an alternative treatment of cancer. Other conditions treated with a dietary therapy of vegetarianism include obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, allergies, asthma, environmental illness, hypertension, etc.
an alternative treatment of cancer. Other conditions treated with a dietary therapy of vegetarianism include obesity, osteoporosis, arthritis, allergies, asthma, environmental illness, hypertension, etc.
Vegetarianism in America received a lot of interest during the
last half of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century.
The growing health consciousness of Americans is probably the major reason for
the surge in interest in vegetarianism. Nutrition experts have built up
convincing evidence that there are major problems with the conventional
American diet, which is
centered around meat products. They are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, but low in fiber. Heart disease, cancer and diabetes, which cause 68% of all deaths in America, are all believed to be
influenced by this diet.
centered around meat products. They are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, but low in fiber. Heart disease, cancer and diabetes, which cause 68% of all deaths in America, are all believed to be
influenced by this diet.
(March 6, 2012)
(March 6, 2012)
16. What are lacto-ovo vegetarians?
A. Vegetarians
who do not consume any kind of animal derived product.
B. Vegetarians
who eat eggs and dairy products.
C. Vegetarians
who suffer from some diseases.
D. Vegetarians
who has high cholesterol in their body.
E. Vegetarians
who have professions as nutrition experts.
17. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
A. Reasons why people become vegetarians.
B. Definition of vegetarianism.
C. Vegetarianism in America.
D. Kinds of vegetarians.
E. Vegetarianism as dietary therapy.
18. Why can consuming too many meat products
create heart disease, cancer and diabetes?
A. They
are high in cholesterol and saturated fat, but low in fiber.
B. They
are low in cholesterol and saturated fat.
C. They
are low in proteins and vitamins.
D. They
are high in fiber and vitamins.
E. They
are low in carbohydrates.
19. Which of the following statements is NOT
TRUE according to the text?
A. Vegetarianism
can be used as a dietary therapy for some diseases.
B. Vegetarianism
in America grows fast in the earlier of 20th century.
C. All
vegetarians don’t eat any kinds of animal derived product.
D. People
become vegetarians due to religious, health and ethical reasons.
E. The
growing health consciousness increases the interest in vegetarianism.
20. “They are high in cholesterol and . . . .”
(Paragraph 4)
What does the word ‘they’ refer to?
A. American diets.
B. Vegetarianism.
C. Vegetarians.
D. Meat products.
E. The major problems.
This dialog is for
question 21.
Boy : What
do you think of the service at Intan Bookstore?
Girl : It’s
quite satisfying. It has a complete book collection. The shop assistants are
also friendly.
Boy : Really?
Girl : Yes,
try it one day.
21. What is the dialog about?
A. The service in a bookstore.
B. Friendly shop assistants.
C. The book collection.
D. The condition of a bookstore.
E. The price of books in a bookstore.
This dialog is
for question 22.
Girl : Ugh .
. . I’m not satisfied with the service at Graha Supermarket.
Boy : What
Girl : When
I asked a shop assistant about something, he answered abruptly.
Boy : Perhaps
he was busy.
Girl : Maybe.
However, he should be polite to the customers.
22. Why is the girl dissatisfied with the service
at Graha Supermarket?
A. The price is high.
B. The things sold are not complete.
C. The shop assistant did not look friendly.
D. The shop assistant was busy with his work.
E. There are no shop assistants who serve her.
This monolog is for
questions 23 to 25.
Did you know cambium? Well, it is merismatic plant tissue,
commonly present as a thin layer which forms new cells on both sides. It is
found right beneath the bark on any tree.
Cambium cells can transform into different tissue, xylem or
phloem, depending upon a tree’s current specific needs. When two trees are
grafted together, it’s the cambium layer of each that is joined.
When a tree grows, it happens in the cambium layer. Cambium
cells are responsible for increasing the girth of stems, eventually becoming
the annual growth rings that mark time.
Cambium cells are the building blocks of a tree. They provide
the physical structure that holds the tree erect, giving it strength and
(March 8, 2012)
(March 8, 2012)
23. Where is cambium found?
A. Outside the bark.
B. Beneath the bark.
C. Between the roots.
D. Beneath the
E. Beneath the tissue.
24. What is the function of cambium cells?
A. To provide a tree with some water and
B. To
increase the girth of stems, branches and trunk.
C. To
make a tree more fertile.
D. To
graft two trees.
E. To
create tissue.
25. What do the annual growth rings in cambium
A. Time.
B. Strength.
C. Flexibility.
D. Fertility level.
E. Physical structure.
This text is for
questions 26 and 27.
Grade XI Students who
Join Extracurricular Clubs

26. How many students join arts?
A. 15. B. 25.
C. 30. D. 40.
E. 75.
27. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the graph?
A. Most students join
a computer club.
B. There are forty
students who join scouts.
C. The
number of students who join youth redcross is similar to the ones who join
D. Students
who join a natural lovers club are the least among others.
E. All
of students in Grade XI join extracurricular clubs.
This text is for
questions 28 and 29.
I’m Alisha Soraya with the weather forecast for tomorrow. In
the morning showers will develop across the region. It will become brighter by
early afternoon. There will be some sun for a while. Then, heavy rain will
occur, with a chance of thunder and perhaps storms during the early evening.
Maximum temperature will be about 25 degrees Celsius.
28. When will heavy rain with a chance of thunder and storms occur?
A. In the morning.
B. In the early
C. At midday.
D. In the early
E. At midnight.
29. “It will become lighter and fewer later in the early afternoon.”
What is the opposite meaning
of the word ‘lighter’?
A. Darker.
B. Stronger.
C. Weaker.
D. Safer.
E. Greater.
This text is for
questions 30 to 33.
Flowering plants are divided into two groups. They are
dicotyledons or dicots and monocotyledons or monocots.
Dicots are seeds that have two parts, such as
a bean seed. A bean seed that has soaked in water for a day or two has a soft outside covering. This is the seed coat. The seed coat would probably slip off the seed easily. The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed. Inside is a tiny plant called
an embryo. The two large parts of the seeds are called cotyledons. They supply the food for the young plant when it’s growing. The bean seed has two
a bean seed. A bean seed that has soaked in water for a day or two has a soft outside covering. This is the seed coat. The seed coat would probably slip off the seed easily. The bean seed has a slit going down the middle of the seed. Inside is a tiny plant called
an embryo. The two large parts of the seeds are called cotyledons. They supply the food for the young plant when it’s growing. The bean seed has two
Monocots are seeds that only have one
cotyledon, such as the corn seed. The corn seed does have a seed coat, but it does not slip off as easily as the bean seed. The corn seed will not split like the bean seed. It stays in one piece. One
cotyledon surrounds the embryo. It is a lighter color than the rest of the seed and is called the
endosperm. It provides food for the growing plant.
cotyledon, such as the corn seed. The corn seed does have a seed coat, but it does not slip off as easily as the bean seed. The corn seed will not split like the bean seed. It stays in one piece. One
cotyledon surrounds the embryo. It is a lighter color than the rest of the seed and is called the
endosperm. It provides food for the growing plant.
(March 8, 2012)
(March 8, 2012)
30. What are dicots?
A. Seeds that have
only one cotyledon.
B. Seeds that have two
C. Seeds that have
more than two cotyledons.
D. Seeds that surround the
E. Seeds that have
hard covering.
31. What is the function of
A. To make the two
parts of seeds split out.
B. To provide oxygen
for living things.
C. To provide food for
the plant.
D. To make seeds hard.
E. To coat the seeds.
32. Why are corn seeds monocots?
A. Their seed coats do
not slip off easily.
B. Their
seed coats would slip off the seed easily.
C. Their
seed coats have lighter color.
D. Their
seeds provide food for the plants.
E. Their
seeds stay in two pieces.
33. “The corn seed will not split
like the bean seed.” (Paragraph 3)
What is the similar meaning of the word ‘split’?
A. Cover. B. Divide.
C. Unite. D. Soak.
E. Separate.
34. Vera : What do you think of my room?
Lia : A very nice room. ________ is in order.
A. Something B. Nothing
C. Everything D. Everybody
E. Nobody
35. Rendy : I visited Rachel at the hospital
Icha : ________ did I.
A. So B. Too
C. Either D. Neither
E. Also
This text is for
questions 16 to 20.
Stalactites and stalagmites are unique natural appearances.
They occur in limestone caves. The stalactite is above, and
hangs downward like an icicle.
Meanwhile, the stalagmite is below and sticks up. They grow in pairs, the slightly acidic water dissolves some of the limestone, carrying it downward.
Meanwhile, the stalagmite is below and sticks up. They grow in pairs, the slightly acidic water dissolves some of the limestone, carrying it downward.
Sometimes the stalactites are missing, as they sometimes break
off and fall. Or human visitors may break them off, and take them away. Often,
the stalactite and stalagmite will connect, and become
a column.
a column.
The flow of water, slightly acidic from acid rain or from
passing through something acidic, is what digs out the caves. It essentially
widens cracks in the rock. And the ceiling may also collapse, making
a mound of limestone on the floor, and a concave dome above.
a mound of limestone on the floor, and a concave dome above.
(March 7, 2012)
(March 7, 2012)
36. What is the purpose of the
A. To
describe stalactites and stalagmites in common.
B. To
tell stories dealing with stalactites and stalagmites.
C. To
describe a certain stalagmite and stalactite.
D. To
tell how stalactites and stalagmites are
E. To
tell why stalactites and stalagmites are beautiful.
37. Where do stalactites and stalagmites occur?
A. In deserts.
B. At rivers.
C. In valleys.
D. Among hills.
E. In limestone caves.
38. What does a stalactite look
A. It sticks up.
B. It hangs downward.
C. It lands on the
D. It creates cracks.
E. It spreads out.
39. What is a column?
A. The evaporation of
B. The flow of water
in a limestone cave.
C. The ceiling which
collapses to the ground.
D. The
connection of a stalactite and
a stalagmite.
a stalagmite.
E. The
stalactite which breaks down into some pieces.
40. “. . . as they sometimes break off and fall.”
(Paragraph 3)
What does the word ‘they’ refer to?
A. The limestone caves.
B. The stalagmites.
C. The stalactites.
D. The cracks.
E. The rocks.
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